Cycle of Giving & Receiving: A Holistic Approach

Did you know that giving and receiving need each other to exist? Did you know that all opposites need one another to exist? That we could not turn something “on” if we couldn’t also turn that thing “off”; that what we understand as “cold” would be completely different if we…

All Hallows’ Eve

As spring is associated with birth and new beginnings, fall is the season associated with death and endings. But before you start thinking of this is a negative thing, remember that there can be no new beginnings without endings. Whether we have to experience a little “death” (moving away from…

Parents Guide To A Better Relationship With Your Child This New School Year

Summer vacation is winding down, and by now we’ve all just adjusted into the summer schedule, but the stress of an upcoming school year (if it’s actually happening) is on the horizon. Sprinkle in the normal stress of parenting PLUS work, and everything in between and it gets so overwhelming. Parents…


We humans do not come into this world as a blank slate or an empty vessel. We emerge from the womb with a set of predestined needs, desires, and expectations that are paradoxically both universal and also unique to each individual. Carl Jung, in his depth exploration of the psyche,…