Houston Acupuncture Services

Houston Acutonics Therapy

What is Acutonics?

Acutonics is the use of a tuning fork upon an acupuncture point. The harmonic approach towards optimal health.

It is the energetics of sound, the human body as sound resonator, the meridians and points as pathways for sound, the concepts of the world harmonies and the cellular memory of sound imprinting and reformatting that are brought into the world of natural health through the use of precision calibrated planetary tuning forks.

Who is Acutonics for?

We typically reserve these treatments for those who are truly needle-phobic as our feeling at The Center for the Healing Arts & Sciences is that if your treatment is causing you stress, it is not going to be as beneficial as it could be if you are in a relaxed state.

How is Acutonics Different Than Acupunture?

However, we frequently will use the tuning forks on certain particularly sensitive, yet important, acupuncture points which we prefer to not needle. This way, we can stimulate the point painlessly. And the experience is quite relaxing.

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