Houston Psychotherapy & Counseling

Houston Family Therapy Clinic

family therapy houstonHouston Family Therapy is about building a Lifelong Support System. One predictor of success when navigating any suffering that we encounter through our lives is a system of support. The family can serve this purpose and it possesses power beyond what any individual would imagine while they are in the through of distress or crisis. Houston family therapy and family counseling with CFHAS can bring you much needed relief. Let us help you work together to solve problems, avoid blame, and minimize stress. Family therapy can increase your family’s flexibility, while establishing rules and routines that promote mutual respect and accountability. The Center for Healing Arts and Sciences provides family therapy and family counseling in a safe, open and healing environment by licensed therapists who care. Click here to schedule a counseling session today »

Family Members are Part of the Solution

I would not like to conceptualize any individual as part of the problem, although all members of the family can be part of the solution. Family work can offer the laser focused attention to be taken off the “offending” member. Through time the energy shifts from that of blame, fear and contempt to solution orientation, thus lifting the veil of shame, and making space for new perspective.

Family Therapy is a wonderful treatment for families who are experiencing recurring difficulties in relationships;

After therapy, your family will have a deeper understanding for the roles they play in the larger family dynamic, and a better understanding how and why each family member chooses to act in the way they do.


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