Houston Psychotherapy & Counseling

Houston Grief Counseling

houston grief counselingWhile loss is a part of our lives, this does little to reduce the suffering of grieving that loss. No one can bring back what is gone, although we can discover a road on which to travel to heal and grow from our loss. We can help with you with Houston Grief Counseling. Grief counseling will help you cope with grief following the loss of a loved one and issues that trigger feelings of grief, like stress. CFHAS provides a space for healing space for you to work through and process these complex emotions surrounding your loss. Healthy grieving results with you remembering your loved one with a newfound sense of love and peace. The Center for Healing Arts and Sciences provides Houston grief counseling and individual therapy in a safe, open and healing environment by licensed therapists who care. Click here to schedule a counseling session today »

We Can’t Bring Them Back But We Can Help You Heal and Grow

One of the great tasks of mourning is to find a way to assimilate the content of what was being carried by our loved one. Tribes believed that the souls of the departed joined the stars and watched us. Religious traditions give us examples of “knowing” that your lost friend was there with you all along. Gone are many of the rituals which would give us more of a context for the grieving process. “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.” Find the space where you can process the loss.

Blessed are Those Who Mourn, for They Shall be Comforted

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