Reframing Fertility

Using supportive language to frame your fertility journey Where Do We Begin When We Treat Infertility? With an invitation + body trust + acceptance of the mystery. Read the following contrasting mantras and, as you read them, feel how they land on you:     I am doing everything perfectly…

All Hallows’ Eve

As spring is associated with birth and new beginnings, fall is the season associated with death and endings. But before you start thinking of this is a negative thing, remember that there can be no new beginnings without endings. Whether we have to experience a little “death” (moving away from…

Happy Autumnal Equinox!

Welcome to Fall, folks. Even in Houston we’re feeling it. Cooler temps, rain, maybe you’re even noticing a change in mood from feeling super care-free to feeling a bit more serious or melancholy. Even if your mood hasn’t changed, we’re guessing your schedule probably has tightened up a bit, right?…

Fertility, Working with What Is

The word fertility can conjure images of round pregnant bellies, or a field rich with flowers being pollinated by adorable bees, or the food we are blessed to eat from our earth……or tearful women and men because fertility is not coming easily to them. It’s difficult to not feel like…

Chocolate – A Labor of Death…Er, Love

Chocolate, believe it or not, does not start out its life as the ooey-gooey deliciousness we love to consume. There’s a lot that goes on from cacao pod with white, bitter, slimy seeds to get to a smooth, decadent chocolate dessert. For starters, the appearance of chocolate beans before they…