Added Sugar: Are You (And Your Kids) Ready For the Emotional Rollercoaster Ride?

Written By Susana Sanchez, Holistic Health Coach   We’ve heard many times that what we put in our body directly affects how we feel emotionally and physically. But, as parents & caregivers, do we really act according to this premise? Formerly, when a child or teen was suffering with anxiety,…

Welcome To Summer!

Whether we’re concerned about questions we have regarding our health, decisions of the heart and other important life issues, it seems we always are asking for signs. Truly, they are all around — and we can tune into them, ride the wave, and catch the momentum of what is happening…

All Hallows’ Eve

As spring is associated with birth and new beginnings, fall is the season associated with death and endings. But before you start thinking of this is a negative thing, remember that there can be no new beginnings without endings. Whether we have to experience a little “death” (moving away from…

Chocolate – A Labor of Death…Er, Love

Chocolate, believe it or not, does not start out its life as the ooey-gooey deliciousness we love to consume. There’s a lot that goes on from cacao pod with white, bitter, slimy seeds to get to a smooth, decadent chocolate dessert. For starters, the appearance of chocolate beans before they…