Psychoanalysis and Music: Listening to the Balance

I feel very fortunate to be a member of the talented and diverse team at The Center for the Healing Arts and Sciences. I am a Jungian Analyst in Training at the International School of Analytical Psychology (ISAP Zurich), though becoming a Jungian analyst is something I could not have…


Most of you reading this live in Hot-town Houston where we are all sweating it out together right now. And some of you have escaped to cooler climates…sigh, just thinking about cooler climates brings sweet relief. Yet, even in cooler climates, on our side of the equator, the current season is inescapably summer. “Yes,…


We humans do not come into this world as a blank slate or an empty vessel. We emerge from the womb with a set of predestined needs, desires, and expectations that are paradoxically both universal and also unique to each individual. Carl Jung, in his depth exploration of the psyche,…

Change – Inside and Out

We would rather be ruined than changed We would rather die in our dread Than climb the cross of the moment And let our illusions die.         -W. H. Auden, from The Age of Anxiety We begin therapy because we want to change something. Often therapy is…

A Parents’ Guide for a COVID-19 Summer

Summer’s Here: A Parents’ Guide for Meeting the Challenge During the COVID-19 Pandemic There’s a little extra chaos and commotion in many homes nowadays due to the uncertainty of this time. School is essentially out for the summer leaving parents scrambling around, wondering what to do with their kids. In fact,…

Pan and the forest dark Part 2

Part 2 of a three part series. For Part 1 click here As we all, hopefully, Humpty Dumpty requires a few Band-Aids, some duct tape, a significant makeover, a psychological evaluation, and maybe a lobotomy. Patterns and routines that need to change quickly melt away, while others demonstrate the defiance…

How Parents Can Keep Kids and Themselves Busy and Learning

This is a strange, confusing, and new time for parents and kids alike. Moms and Dads, we know it’s overwhelming to not only have to work from home, but to simultaneously take on roles as teachers, entertainers, babysitters, cooks, and coaches ALL AT ONCE. With many great tools circling social media,…

Pan and the forest dark

A three part series.  Jung once observed that “The gods have become diseases; Zeus no longer rules Olympus but rather the solar plexus and produces curious specimens for the doctor’s consulting room” (CW 13; §54). This is an idea that vexed me when I first heard it. But we are…

Fertility, Working with What Is

The word fertility can conjure images of round pregnant bellies, or a field rich with flowers being pollinated by adorable bees, or the food we are blessed to eat from our earth……or tearful women and men because fertility is not coming easily to them. It’s difficult to not feel like…

Chocolate – A Labor of Death…Er, Love

Chocolate, believe it or not, does not start out its life as the ooey-gooey deliciousness we love to consume. There’s a lot that goes on from cacao pod with white, bitter, slimy seeds to get to a smooth, decadent chocolate dessert. For starters, the appearance of chocolate beans before they…